Coaching - 01

Athletes have trainers. Pilots have flight instructors. Bloggers have… 

The idea of having a blogging coach is foreign to so many bloggers. Maybe it’s because much of the world still sees bloggers as the rogue amateur writers we used to be. What once started out as a hobby is now an exploding industry you can build and even monetize into your new platform.

Success doesn’t happen overnight. Most bloggers don’t wake up to a phone call from affiliate marketers offering them thousands of dollars in advertising. It takes wisdom, experience, and insight to grow a blog into your new platform.

You need a blogging coach.

A quality blogging coach can bring five benefits to your blogging experience…

1. A fresh set of eyes

An experienced blogging coach should be a great writer and an even better editor. They catch the slightest maligned sentence, know when to allow certain grammar to bend and flex, and can give a fresh perspective. The editing advice alone should be worth it.

2. Blogging experience

This isn’t their first time in the blogosphere, so a good blogging coach should be able to share from their experience. What worked for them? What did they learn? Why do they write the way they write now? All of these are questions with invaluable answers. A good blogging coach can help you find these answers for yourself and avoid some of their same mistakes in the process.

3. Ability to create a content schedule

Some bloggers call this an editorial calendar. Whatever you call it, this is how you plan out your future, writing deadlines, posting and sharing strategies, and refining your content’s focus. If your blog is going to gain traction, having a content schedule is a “must”. If someone’s offering to be your next blog coach and doesn’t know what a content schedule is, turn and run!

4. Encouragement and support

If you haven’t experienced this truth yet, here it is: blogging can be frustrating! Some days are easy and the content just comes so effortlessly. Most other days (90%?), you can sit at the keyboard, repeatedly mashing the backspace button, without anything to show for your efforts. A good blog coach can pick out the diamonds in the rough, the handful of sentences sticking out of the pile and help you start stringing them together again.

5. Wisdom for the future

If you have a dream of growing your blog into a monetized platform for your audience, a good blogging coach can help you find the best way to grow. All blogs are not created equal. A blogging coach with a history of financially successful blogs can help you network with affiliate marketers, develop your own resources for purchase, and help you make the right connections.

I’ve personally written over 600 blog posts just over the past three years. It takes determination, planning, discipline, and ruthless editing to consistently publish great content. I have the experience. I can help you take your blogging to the next level.

Blogging coach (CTA)